Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
Title Hits Visitors Downloads
Parameters of scalar resonances from the combined analysis of data on processes ππ → ππ, KK, ηη and J/ψ decays 1056 1235 188
Effect of the KK̅ and ηη channels and interference phenomena in the two-pion and KK̅ transitions of charmonia and bottomonia 897 1022 136
Unified description of BABAR and Belle data on the bottomonia decays Υ(mS)→Υ(nS)π+π- 1041 1039 5
Effect of the ηη channel and interference phenomena in the two-pion transitions of charmonia and bottomonia 1302 1525 236
The scalar mesons in decays of the ψ and Υ families 1242 1240 6
Coupled-channel analysis of the process γγ→π0π0 143 144 2
Nature of the scalar-isoscalar mesons in the uniformizing-variable method based on analyticity and unitarity 793 794 5
Role of multichannel ππ scattering in decays of bottomia 854 855 3
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Bydžovský, Petr

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Bydžovský, Petr

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